An Australian RV-10 Journey

I have now started!!

Watch out, builder at work..

The Journey

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to fly.

When I was a teenager, I believed, incorrectly, that the cost of getting a pilots license and the possibility of getting into commercial aviation was going to be to great, so I focused on other areas for a vocation.

However, in 2000 I realized a dream and achieved my PPL. Since then, I have steadily accumulated endorsements to my pilots license from PPL through a night rating, retracts, constant speed prop to a PIFR with all departures and approaches except ILS.

Early in 2010, I decided to take on the next challenge: To build my own aircraft - A Vans RV-10. A four place kit aircraft.

I made the deposit payment in January 2010, a final payment in May and received the kit in late Oct 2010. From then till Xmas it was work area preparation. I started building in January 2011. Hopefully I will be nearly completed by the end of this year. I am both excited and humbled at the enormity of the project.

This web site is dedicated to the pursuit of that dream.

Contact details:

Mobile: +61 481 366 728

E-mail: along at aanet dot com dot au

My Build Log

Over time I will keep you updated with progress and a link here of the most recent events in my aircraft construction Journey. ENJOY!